to see the World a Whole
My first book
After looking around and making a long reflection at the abstraction peak called "the Integrality of Being" in the last chapters, it seems more likely that a pile of impressions will be deposited at the depth of our mind’s lagoon, different aggregate for different people. I do not know what impressions had been deposited at the depth of your mind lagoon, but I think you will agree with me about what follows.
Certainly you will agree with me that, however it has been, we must return back from the height of abstract concept of the "Integrated Oneness of Reality" down to the our concrete personal reality in the middle of social struggle and interactions of the everyday life.
After the journeys we have made, it is better if we bring home some traveler’s gifts. My set of souvenirs is a summary of integralism for you. It is probably will will be useful for you, if you join me to develop Integralism which frameworks has been laid down in the last chapters of the book. The following is the summary of Integralism.
My third book
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