Aristotle is the founder of logic the science of reasoning. He desribe his science by words. However, probably he used diagrams for his reasoning.
In the analytical configuration, all syllogisms come from the terms (predicates and subjects) that complete two categorical protaseisin such a way that from certain terms (predications) constructing premises) that are posited something other follows of necessity.
Accordingly, in the syllogistic ‘follow of necessity’, the syntax consists in some predicational interconnections between the three terms involved in some schematized and completed arrangement. It has been well recognized that Aristotle’s syllogistic formula, "following of necessity” is not based on implication, inference or the modus ponendo ponens, for the philosopher was in no way conscious of the modern notion of logical consequence in the semantic or syntactic sense that we know.
In a very different manner, Aristotle considers following of necessity within the perspicuity of predicative transitivity on the basis of the middle
term in the first figure to which the moods of other two figures are reduced.
A disregard for Aristotle’s analytical approach was already in antiquity due to the fact the Stoics, who criticized his syllogistic, did not base the entailment on the connection of...
Posted at: 05:25 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
What triple I means?
Organizationally it is
- Integral Institute of Indonesia.
Socially it is the integration of
- imitation,
- inovation and
- invention.
Personally it is the integration of
- instinct,
- intellect
- intuition.
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